Driving into the gas station this morning, I was thrilled to see I could fill up my car with top-grade gasoline for under $3.00 a gallon (and yes, that is much higher than the U.S. average since I have the fortune to pay Connecticut taxes). With today's news from OPEC, it looks like I can enjoy "cheap" gas for months…
Central banks are supposed to manage economies over the medium term - through business cycles that last at least months but typically run years. Today, the U.S. central bank (the Fed) tells us it thinks the economy is strong enough to warrant a tiny rate hike, and while inflation is low, people still believe it will be normal in the…
A few years ago I hurt my elbow, and after six weeks of pain, I finally went to the doctor. He gave me a few choices. First, he suggested I try physical therapy, some anti-inflammatory medicine, and lots of ice. With lots of work and attention, I would probably have pain for another 3-4 weeks and then slowly it would…